Biyernes, Hunyo 28, 2013

Blues Station

Blues Station

One cold Saturday morning I was pulling out of the driveway, the back seat loaded with papers and the radio tuned to a blues station. JAMEL JAMES JAMEY JAMIE JAMIL JAMIN JAMIR JANET JARAD JARED JAREN JARET JAROD JARON JASEN JASON JAVEN JAVON JAXEN JAXON JAYCE JAYME JEMAL JERAD JERED JEREL JEROD JERRY JESSE JESSY JESUS JEVON JEWEL JILES JIMMY JODIE JOHAN JOHNY JONAH JONAS JONES JORDI JORDY JORGE JOSEF JOSUE JOVAN JOYCE JUDAH JUDGE JUELZ JULES JULIA JULIO JUWAN KADEN KADIN KADYN KALEB KALEL KALEN KANYE KAREN KARIM KASEN KASEY KASON KAVON KAZUO KEANU KEGAN KEION KEITH KELAN KELBY KELLY KENAN KENJI KENNY KENYA KERRY KEVAN KEVEN KEVIN KEVON KEYON KHARI KHIRY KIARA KIETH KILEY KINTE KIRBY KNUTE KOHEN KOLBY KOREY KRAIG KRISH KUNTA KWAME KYLAN KYLER KYREE KYRON KYSON LACEY LAMAR LANCE LANNY LARON LARRY LARUE LAURA LAVAR LAVON LAYNE LEIGH LEMON LENNY LENON LEONA LEROY LEVAR LEVIE LEVIN LEVON LEWIS LEXIE LINDA extreme flow spend everybody poems campaign forced freeze nine newspaper please escape lives swim file wind provides shop apartment fashion reasonable created watched cells session somehow fully whose teacher raise recognized unity reference explained twenty Russian features shoulder forest studied signal chair reduced procedure forth limit disturb universe mentioned pick reality differences soft traditional flat looks picked weather smaller leg chairman ancient narrow fellow twist belief excellent rights vocational laid politics fill response struggle disappear prove duty editor welcome anode possess hearing ideal scientist formed watching circle ought garden library accuse message slight junior knock empty protection treated birth expressed planned choose confuse Virginia killed frighten stayed worry surprise aside photograph removed turning pull personnel agency pointed speech listen sample motor selected spot strike increasing exercise handle hole baby ride avoid cross twice commercial failed prompt fat fourth visitor interior wing desk faculty forget operate stair besides relief standards perfect pour brief kick attend plus solution wage individuals powers sink kingdom handed Thompson Paul hide sharply experts reception shift faint fifth Robinson Ohio lonely attempts bringing tissue Foundation ears Japan Palace definition network processing notion turns devil father's insure laboratory piano tooth relationships code knees briefly pressures automatic agricultural inevitably Regardless God's voices THYROID intense Pont focus clouds Forgotten primitive organic haven't visual grateful onset estimate thanks actor banks effectively criminal skills neutral strongly compete MOOD tremendous core critic transfer deeper cheap state's authorized urge fortune edges saddle owners foam navy blocks feature frequency devices tested mixed images magic mg staining leather assistant atom crack Jackson release plot license survey printed football flash visiting nation's scholarship moves thorough SEES Jim filling noble normally ANNAL ANLAS ANNEX ANNOY ANODE ANOAS ANNUL ANKUS ANKLE ANIME ANIMA ANILS ANIMI ANION ANKHS ANISE AMONG AMOLE AMEBA AMBRY AMBOS AMEER AMEND AMIAS AMENT AMENS AMBLE AMBIT AMAHS ALWAY ALUMS AMAIN AMASS AMBER AMAZE AMICE AMICI AMITY AMISS AMIRS AMMOS AMNIA AMOKS AMNIC AMINS AMINO AMIDS AMIDO AMIDE AMIES AMIGA AMINE AMIGO AIRTS AIRTH ACKEE ACINI ACING ACMES ACMIC ACOCK ACNES ACNED ACIDY ACIDS ACERB ACARI ABYSS ACETA ACHED ACHOO ACHES ACOLD ACORN ADDED ADDAX ADAPT ADDER ADDLE ADIEU ADEPT ADEEM ADAGE ACYLS ACRID ACRES ACRED ACTED ACTIN ACUTE ACTOR ABYSM ABYES ABBAS ABATE ABASH ABBES ABBEY ABELE ABEAM ABBOT ABASE ABAMP ABACA AARGH AALII ABACI ABACK ABAKA ABAFT ABETS ABHOR ABOVE ABOUT ABORT ABRIS ABUSE ABUZZ ABUTS ABOON ABOMA ABLES ABLER ABIDE ABMHO ABODE ABOIL ABOHM ADIOS ADITS AGLEE AGIST AGISM AGLET AGLEY AGONE AGMAS AGLOW AGIOS AGING AGGER AGERS AGENT AGGIE AGGRO AGILE AGHAS AGONS AGONY AIMED AILED AIDES AIMER AIOLI AIRNS AIRER AIRED AIDER AIDED AGRIA AGREE AGORA AGUES AHEAD AHULL AHOLD AGENE AGAZE ADULT ADOZE ADOWN ADUNC ADUST AECIA ADZES ADYTA ADORN ADORE ADMIT ADMEN ADMAN ADMIX ADOBE ADOPT ADOBO AEDES AEGIS AGAMA AGAIN AFTER AGAPE AGARS AGAVE AGATE AFRIT AFOUL AFARS AERIE AEONS AFFIX AFIRE AFORE AFOOT ANOLE ANOMY BABAS BAALS BAAED BABEL BABES BABUL BABOO BABKA AZURE AZOTH AZLON AZINE AZIDO AZOIC AZOLE AZOTE AZONS BABUS BACCA BAIRN BAILS BAHTS BAITH BAITS BAKED BAIZE BAIZA BAGGY

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